
Learn how to properly customize and update theme.

Theme Customization

Add custom style

There's an option in Appearance > Customize > Custom Code > Custom CSS where you can do custom styling and see realtime change in the preview area on the right side of customize the page.

Add / Modify php code

Whenever the update from Bateaux Theme, all you modified code in the php original template files will be lost after the update. We suggest you to install a child theme instead, for full customizability without losing a single line of code. You can overwrite function which has if ( !function_exists( 'some_function' ) ) command by declaring it in the function.php in the child theme, and also be able to add_filter( ) to wherever the code which apply filter. Here's the useful link about how to use add_filter function.

Child Theme

If you are planning to modify php code, we suggest you to install a child theme instead for editing the files inside the Bateaux theme folder. Below lists are some useful links you can find before using child themes.

Theme Update

Notice : After update all your modification within the original template files in the bateaux theme folder will be lost. We suggested you to do the modification via child theme.

This is the most convenient way to update the theme. This will make you stay updated, no matter how many releases will come in the future.

Manual Update

Import Demo

You can easily import demo which show in our site by one click. Go to Dashboard > Bateaux > Bateaux Demos. Choose the demo you want to import to your site then click import. Basically, 'Main' includes all 25 homepages and every pages on the demo site while 'Main (Lite Version)' includes all 25 homepages and some of pages, posts, and portfolios.

Prior to import, we strongly recommend you check the minimum server requirements shown in System Status tab on Bateaux Dashboard. If any of the server setting is below the requirements (shown in red), the error might occur during the import process as we notify you on the importer status box. The process would take a few minutes, so please do not close the window nor navigate away.

There would be two steps during the import: importing menus and importing attachments. If importing menus are done, it means all the data are imported properly except for the images. In case the failure of importing attachments, there would be warning page in which you can choose to retry importing attachments until it finishes.

If you see the errors, please open a ticket on our support forum and send us the access to your site and FTP to your server. The support team will help you as soon as possible.


Import/Export Customize

All the theme options (excluded single post options) are able to customize via WordPress Customizer Appearance > Customize. The benefit of using customizer is that user will able to see the change in realtime. Users are able to import / export customize data (color, header and etc.) for the purpose of backing up the site or others by going to Bateaux > Customizer Manager. All the import / export data will be in JSON file format.


Font setting

User are able to set 5 base fonts (Primary, Secondary, Custom A and Custom B) to use in the site. These 5 fonts will appear in typography options of some elements in page builder (Typography section of the inspector or in customizer typography options. All 5 fonts will be synchronized sitewide. Once you make a change of any property of the font, it will take effect with elements or components which are using that font.

These 5 types of font user can choose what to use freely. User must choose font-family and font-weight for each font, and there will be preview of the fonts on the right hand side of the selected box.

Warning : After finish setting or changing the fonts, don't forget to click "SAVE", otherwise all the changes won't be applied.


To use these fonts with elements creating in page builder, there might be options in the inspector in section "Typography" or might not. The only way to set the font without typography option is by adding cssClass to the element. Here are the class name use to set the font.

Image Sizes

There are 7 options of image size which you can choose for your image. There are 3 size of images you can edit in admin panel > settings > media. Below are the information of all image sizes.

Notice In case you did edit any of the WordPress native sizes (thumbnail, medium, large), all the uploaded images won't be effected. We recommend you to use plugin Regenerate Thumbnails to regenerate the size of images.

Create Menus

Menu is the main component of the website. Created menu can be used in the header (navigation bar), footer or any sidebar. Bateaux theme allows you to create multi levels submenu and also mega menu. To create menu, go to admin panel Appearance > Menus. If you did import demo, there would be menus show up in the page already, you can easily edit those menus. Here are the basic how to create / edit menus.

Create Menu

Choose the pages / posts or custom links from the left hand side box and add to Menu. Click create menu at the top notice-box or the button on the top right of the page and save menu.


You can set the order of the menu as you want. In the screenshot below, submenu will be under the "Menu" and Submenu 2nd level will be under the Submenu, this is the hierarchy of menus. Check Primary Menu to make the menu as main Navigation Menu then click save. Without clicking save, all the changes will be lost.


Create Mega menu

To create mega-menu, it's simple like creating submenu. However, you have to choose the number of "Mega Menu Columns" of the top hierarchy menu to activate the mega-menu. The next level of submenu will be mega menu each column's title (in the screenshot will be Mega Menu Column 1).


To create multiple columns of mega menu, you can see the example above. The example is 2 columns mega-menu which "submenu 1.1 and 1.2" will be the first column's menus, and "Mega Menu Title 1" will be the title of that column.

There are some options you can edit while creating menus. Main option is the Navigation Label, this is the label display in the site. Moreover you can choose whether to insert the icon before or after the label.


You can search for the icon's name from using icon picker in page builder (element image) which the name will show in Icon ID input form.

Post/Page Excerpt

In archive or search result page, posts, portfolios and pages will be displayed with excerpt (description below the title). Since you can create page and portfolio via page builder, there is no need the use the classic editor. However, if you didn't input any content in the classic editor, there will be no excerpt to show. Below are 2 ways to create the excerpt of page or post.
entry-excerpt excerpt of page or post entry

1. Input your excerpt into excerpt field. (Recommended) If there is no excerpt field show up in the editor page. Follow the screenshot to enable the excerpt field.


image how to activate excerpt field

2. Use <!--more--> tag in the classic editor. For page or portfolio which you can use page-builder to create, we suggest you to use solution 1 since there is no use to input any content in the classic editor. For the post type "Post" you have an option to choose whether to show post content or post excerpt as an entry's excerpt, where you can find in page builder > element blog's inspector, or in the option for archive blog in Customizer > Archive > Blog section.

menu-step5 image where <!--more--> locate


images where the excerpt option locate